really hard to beat (and really buggy just a warning)


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Positive things: Jumping and moving feels smooth. The level setup is ok'ish. I would definitely improve the balance though, the turrets make it unreasonably hard to maneuver. Make them fire less often, slower or make them destroyable. Oh and there's a bug, if you move your mouse cursor too far away from the player, it stops aiming.

it was an old project from like 2 years ago but I found it and decided to post it. Once I am done the project I am currently working on I will remake the game (because the code and stuff for this game is all messed up). Yes I am aware of these bugs, and the turrets are destroyable its just that they have 20 health and the bullets only do 1 damage. But as I said I am currently remaking these games and I will make sure to take this into consideration. Thank you!

click 2 shoot and AD to move, and Spacebar to jump, Shift to crouch and S to run